Security and Privacy in a Networked World/Training: Herding cats

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Awareness training - some possible topics


  • We are targets
  • Social Engineering

Main technologies

  • Web
  • E-mail
  • Instant messaging
  • Social networks
  • Wi-Fi
  • Mobile devices
  • Cloud services

  • Access control - passwords and other measures
  • Data security - creation, maintenance and safe destruction
  • Threats from inside
  • Children online
  • Damage control

Special groups to train

  • IT staff - those actually in charge of technology, including administrators, developers, support/helpdesk etc. While these employees tend to be more knowledgeable about IT risks, lax attitudes towards security is a common problem (Estonians may recall the case with Eesti Telefon - it was leaked to the media that their main server's admin password was "kala" (fish)...). Training should generally focus on actual examples and be clearly connected to the security policies present.
  • Higher management - can be especially difficult to train due to their limited time resources and sometimes also mixed attitudes (reluctant to learn, feeling being 'above the law' etc). Should especially focus on social engineering, mobile/travel/cloud and data security, but also reach adequate knowledge of common applications usage (e.g. e-mail). Also, clear connections to security policies and stressing their universality (i.e. everyone must comply) may help.
  • Service staff (janitors, drivers, couriers etc) - a major target for social engineers, therefore the training must focus on recognizing and neutralizing SE-based attacks. However, with training these people can be valuable in countering threats due to their mobility and "low profile" image ("just a janitor - he is supposed to be there").


  • Physical security - doors and locks
  • BYOD and teleworking
  • Protecting home
  • Travelling abroad

Study and Blog

  • Pick a topic above (e.g. passwords or social networks) and write a short awareness training programme for your colleagues (those who do not work may use a fictional company).