IT eetika- ja õigusküsimused
Eetika- ja õigusküsimused - miks intellektuaalomand oma praegusel kujul on saatanast ja kuulub ärakaotamisele, kuidas häkkerid maailma näevad ja palju muud.
Raamatud (paberil)
George, J.F. (2003) Computers in Society: Privacy, Ethics and the Internet. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Himanen, P. (2002) Häkkerieetika ja informatsiooniajastu vaim. Kunst, Tallinn
Moody, G. (2001) Rebel Code: Inside Linux and the Open Source Revolution. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge MA
Stallman, R. (2002). Free Software, Free Society. Ed. Joshua Gay. GNU Press
Torvalds, L., Diamond, D. (2001) Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary. First Edition, Harper-Collins
Hilgartner, S. (2006). Acceptable Intellectual Property. Proceedings of the "Biopolitics: Gender, Race and Science" Conference, May 15-16, 2006, Cornell University.
Himanen, P. (2004) "Challenges of the Global Information Society". report for the Committee for the Future in Parliament of Finland.
Lerer, L. (2006). "Meet the dotCommunist". IP Law & Business, February 15, 2006.
Marson, I. (2006). "Free Software's White Knight". ZDNet News UK, March 20, 2006.
McCullough, T. (2006). "Prior Art and Its Uses: A Primer". Groklaw, April 17, 2006.
Moglen, E. (1999). ”Anarchism Triumphant: Free Software and the Death of Copyright”. First Monday, Vol. 4, Issue 8.
Moglen, E. (2003). The dotCommunist Manifesto. Cabinet Magazine. Issue 10 Spring 2003.
Nerode, N. (2003) Why You Shouldn't Use the GNU FDL.
Scott, B. (2001) Copyright in a Frictionless World: Toward a Rhetoric of Responsibility. First Monday, volume 6, number 9 (September 2001)
Updegrove, A. (2006) Where (if anywhere) are the Boundaries of the Open Source Concept?. The Standards Blog, March 24, 2006.
Raamatud võrgus
Boldrin, M., Levine, D.K. (2006). Against Intellectual Monopoly.
Chance, T. (2005). The Hacker Ethic and Meaningful Work. University of Reading. (Tom Chance'i magistriväitekiri filosoofiast)
Lessig, L. (2004). Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. The Penguin Press.
Martin, B. (1998) Information Liberation: Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power. Freedom Press, London.
Poynder, R. (2006) Open and Shut? The Basement Interviews
Stallman, R. M. (2002). Free Software, Free Society. Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman. Ed. Joshua Gay. GNU Press
Williams, S. (2002). Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software. O'Reilly.
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