Political and social aspects of digital interactive media
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NB! This is only a development "sandbox" - the real course will be located at the Owl Academy.
Main idea - to introduce various political and social issues in the field of new media, to promote awareness of and to discuss the diverse circle of related problems.
The Course:
- 16 weeks (one semester/term) - one 1.5-hour session (lecture or lab) weekly plus independent work.
- 3.0 Estonian academic credits, 4.0 ECTS credits
- Towards the information society
- The networked world
- Censors vs Cyberspace
- The Big Brother on Menwith Hill (privacy and eavesdropping)
- The Digital Divide
- The Ubiquitous Computing and network society
- The Hacker Ethic in a Networked World
- The Empowerment: Different People, Digital World
- From Hacktivism to Cyberwar
- e-Democracy, e-Elections and e-Government (social movements, participatory democracy and the Net)
- Global networks in global politics
- Social software, social engineering (not so much security but social aspects of manipulation)
- Gender issues off- and online (Susanna)
- New Media and culture (seminar?; Susanna)
- Play of life in the theatre of networks (Susanna).
- Narration, storytelling, non-linear media (Susanna?)
- paper + slides + oral presentation
- assignments
- link portfolio (Technorati or similar)
- blog
- Barlow, J. P. (1996) A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
- George, J.F. (2003) Computers in Society: Privacy, Ethics and the Internet. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey
- Himanen, P. (2004) Challenges of the Global Information Society. report for the Committee for the Future in Parliament of Finland.
- Himanen, P. (2001) Hacker Ethic. Random House
- Himanen, P. (2002) Häkkerieetika ja informatsiooniajastu vaim. Kunst, Tallinn (Estonian translation of Hacker Ethic)
- Lessig, L. (2004). Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. The Penguin Press.
- Martin, B. (1998) Information Liberation: Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power. Freedom Press, London.
- Smith, M.A., Kollock, P., eds (1999). Communities in Cyberspace. Routledge
- Stallman, R. (2002). Free Software, Free Society. Ed. Joshua Gay. GNU Press
- Wynants, M., Cornelis, J., eds (2005) How Open is the Future? Economic, Social and Cultural Scenarios inspired by Free & Open-Source Sofware. CrossTalks, VUB Brussels University Press 2005.